Surrounded by the charming beauty of Lanciano, we were captivated by the stunning performances that transcended the notes, telling stories and evoking deep emotion. Meeting fellow music lovers has been a reminder of how music transcends boundaries. We laughed, shared delicious food and beautiful moments in the classroom, music halls and on the road that will always be cherished. The workshops, rehearsals, concerts, community outreach and impromptu performances created a deep sense of community. The workshops on Partimento for guitar by Nicola Pignatiello_music and Baroque Dances by Carlo Marchione were incredibly unique and insightful. They provided deep dives into historical music practices and interpretation of dance forms, enriching our understanding and appreciation of the art. The Lanciano International Guitar Festival was an experience that touched the heart and soul. Big thank you to Michael Newman and Laura Oltman for the invitation. Shout out to Francesca Lamorgia for being a wonderful collaborator and duo partner for the week! Mille Grazie to the festival artistic director Isabella Abbonizio and her duo partner Sarah Rulli for graciously inviting me to stay another day and perform the opening set of their #freelifeonearth concert with Francesca in the beautiful Chiesa Di San Bagio. Here’s to the new friendships forged, and the music that brought us all together. Until next time, Lanciano! (Daniel Moreno, 2024 participant – NYGS fellowship recipient)
Daniel Moreno
I had a great time at the Lanciano Guitar Seminar 2024. The week is a wonderful blend of study, ensemble performances, and getting to know people and places in Abruzzo. I felt very privileged to play in a quartet with my Michael, Laura, and my fellow student Daniel. Isabella is a wonderful teacher and artist. I really enjoyed the lectures, guest teachers, and master classes. The event has a pace that does not feel rushed, so I was able to absorb and implement the things I was taught.
Lanciano 2023 was a very special event. I enjoyed all of the personal attention to my playing in the form of lessons, plus the numerous performance opportunities and the ability to see interesting and out of the way places. The facility is really good.” (Andrew MacDonough, 2023&2024 participant)

Andrew MacDonough
Taking this course for chamber music with guitar as a flutist at Lanciano International Guitar Seminar was a wonderful experience, meeting such expert teachers and being able to play with an American! I am honored to have met such wonderful people, and I hope to join LIGS again next year. I recommend this fantastic course to everyone who, in the end, seemed like a big family. (Francesca La Morgia, participant 2024)

Francesca La Morgia
I really enjoyed attending the LIGS 2023. It was one of the most, if not the most special guitar experience of my life. Not only did I learn much about guitar technique, but I also found what my next goals are and what it requires me to achieve them. Isabella Abbonizio, Michael Newman; Laura Oltman – and I also include participants Katty Mayorga and Andrew McDonough- you really gave me much to be aspired by. You were very nice and helpful, and now you are my friends. Thank you so much. (Nathan Mantuano, 2023 participant)

Nathan Mantuano
Lanciano International Guitar Seminar was the best seminar I have attended! Great opportunities for master classes, performance, ensemble music as well as socializing with other performers and staffs and enjoying the beautiful city of Lanciano.(Hatim Wahdani, 2022 participants)

Hatim Wahdani
Thank you so much for the beautiful and musical week in Lanciano!! Our children really enjoyed the lessons, rehearsals, and all of the performance opportunities in gorgeous settings. Huge appreciation to Isabella, Laura and Michael for organizing all of the many events, master class, lectures, social gatherings, and field trips. It was fun to share the week with such talented, supportive, and friendly participants. The week went smoothly and was well organized. It was truly an incredible experience and one that we will always remember. Grazie! (Erin, Gerard and Guglielmo Petrella’s mum, 2022 ed. participants)

Erin (Gerard and Guglielmo Petrella's mum)
I just want to say to you THANK YOU for these wonderful days in Lanciano! Your enthusiasm and your expertise have pushed me to do always the best! They have been such good days,an excellent opportunity to share with other students and with fantastic teachers this great passion for music and guitar. Also, I have learnt a lot of new things in seeing the music in different way and I really appreciate the experience of playing in guitar ensembles (Gian Marco Ciampa, 2013 edition participant performer)

Gian Marco Ciampa
L’esperienza della prima edizione del Lanciano International Guitar Seminar è stata davvero bella, formativa e mi ha arricchito umanamente e professionalmente. Ho apprezzato soprattutto le tantissime attività organizzate oltre che all’alto livello artistico e professionale dell’iniziativa. Cercherò di tornare a Lanciano e di divulgare questa manifestazione tra i miei amici chitarristi. (Caterina Serpilli, 2013 edition participant)

Caterina Serpilli
Indubbiamente per un giovane chitarrista ogni incontro con un “artista affermato” rappresenta un momento di grande curiosità ed esaltazione, ma anche d’angoscia e di frustrazione, trasformando l’evento in un’esperienza negativa legata il più delle volte al mancato “tatto…”del maestro di turno. Viceversa ho potuto constatare che il Seminario di Lanciano in ogni caso è sempre positivo vuoi per l’avvicendarsi di docenti magari di scuole diverse, dove si è potuto cogliere ciò che li rendeva somiglianti, vuoi per la professionalità dimostrata nel porgere i punti di vista assecondando le potenzialità che ciascun allievo dimostrava di possedere; puntuali a tal proposito i consigli sugli esercizi tecnici volti a risolvere problemi dovuti nella maggior parte dei casi all’allenamento di routine inconsapevole. Utilissima, soprattutto per un chitarrista, l’esperienza della musica d’insieme che durante il seminario ha portato i giovani musicisti ad esibirsi in concerto sia in loco che nella cornice suggestiva del castello di Salle, dove fra l’altro si è potuto visitare il Museo delle Corde armoniche. (Vito Fiore, 2013-2017 edition participant auditor)

Vito Fiore
Personalmente dal Seminario di Lanciano mi aspettavo una proficua e intensa settimana di studio sulla chitarra e in questo non sono stato affatto deluso. Infatti, poter conoscere, suonare e studiare con musicisti di fama internazionale mi ha arricchito molto. Tutte le lezioni e la fase di preparazione al concerto finale sono state per me utilissime e mi hanno fornito diversi importanti spunti musicali, tecnici e su come impostare lo studio della musica d’insieme e come superare le difficoltà ritmiche che ne derivano. Un’ulteriore esperienza che mi ha molto incuriosito e affascinato è stata quella di Salle è della storia dei suoi Maestri cordai, un evento culturale e musicale che mi ha mi ha permesso di conoscere un mondo per me sconosciuto e che a mio avviso dovrebbe diventare una parte importante del Seminario. Questa intensa e bella esperienza mi ha già aperto nuove strade, dandomi la possibilità di partecipare alla prossima edizione del New York Guitar Seminar at Mannes che sono sicuro sarà un’incredibile nuova avventura nel segno della Chitarra. (Fabio Grieco, 2014 edition participant performer)

Fabio Grieco
Lanciano Guitar Seminar è stata un’esperienza meravigliosa! Ogni attività si è rivelata utile, interessante e anche divertente. Tutti i docenti sono stati competenti, amichevoli e davvero molto disponibili. Le master class mi hanno aiutata a migliorare lo studio individuale, sia dal punto di visto tecnico che musicale. In più, ho avuto l’opportunità di approfondire l’esperienza della musica da camera. Infatti, durante il concerto finale, ho potuto esibirmi sia come solista ma anche in un gruppo. Non solo, aver avuto l’occasione di poter suonare insieme ai docenti stessi è stata di grande importanza per me, un occasione davvero stimolante! Lanciano è una città che propone molte iniziative dal punto di vista musicale e sono stati bellissimi i luoghi dove abbiamo potuto svolgere le lezioni ed esibirci…. Non dimenticherò mai il concerto nel di castello di Salle che ci ha riservato un’atmosfera magica e suggestiva. (Camilla Fiore, 2013-2107 edition paticipant performer)

Camilla Fiore
It was really a wonderful week and a very worthwhile seminar! … It was a great environment to learn and push ourselves to improve while at the same time maintaining an atmosphere that was fun. In all performance situations, I felt that everyone wanted everyone else to succeed and do their very best. … I really do hope and expect to return in the future. (Mark Mendelowitz, 2015 edition participant performer)

Mark Mendelowitz
We certainly were proud to associate with such an interesting high quality event. (John A. Wunsch, President Strings By Mail, LIGS sponsor)

John A
It’s a truly special festival you guys put together and I hope to attend again in the future. (Casey Tuck, 2015 edition participant performer)

Casey Tuck
LIGS for me is really special. The fact that the main focus is mostly on the student’s not on the teachers gives participants a feeling that what they do is really appreciated. This is truly important. The fact that I felt like I was home in the whole duration of the festival is really unique. In a nutshell LIGS 2015 was professional, friendly, well organized and gave something that will stay with me for years to go. (Peter Dabosczi, 2015 edition participant performer)

Peter Dabosczi
I liked everything of the last LIGS edition, I think that after this experience I substantially improved my playing. I liked the location, the organization and the variety of experiences that I lived during this seminar. (Francesco Lioy, 2015 and 2016 edition participant performer)

Francesco Lioy
I joined LIGS three years ago and this year I came back again to work with world-class teachers from all over the world. At LIGS participants have the great chance to work together, attend master classes, solo and chamber music workshops, and presentations. The seminar gives the opportunity to grow your technical skills, interpretation and musicianship, as well as to meet and work with other musicians. We also have the chance to perform in different locations in Lanciano and outside the city. (Maria Chiara Bonomini, 2013 and 2016 edition participant performer)

Maria Chiara Bonomini
I very liked the seminar because I learned new things and I improved in the practice of the guitar, also I had a great time with all the participants and the teachers. (2017 edition participant performer)

Aldo Gargaro
It was a great experience, in a beautiful city, with amazing teachers and really interesting courses and projects! I suggest everyone to attend this seminar! (2017 edition participant performer)

I found it to be a beautiful relaxed atmosphere without the rigidity and overwhelming busyness of larger festivals/seminars. All the teachers were varied and extremely helpful and friendly. I was able to improve and also have a good time. (Liz Hogg, 2017 edition participant performer)

Liz Hogg
Lanciano Guitar Seminar offers an incredible learning and cultural experience for guitarists of all ages and abilities. Through the daily master classes, I received instruction on my solo pieces and on pieces played with my pre-existing duet partner. It was also a treat to get to know others in the group better through ensembles we formed on the first day. We performed in three concerts, each with a special and different atmosphere – a small and intimate salon; an ancient underground auditorium; a castle rooftop. There was a perfect combination of planned activities (group dinners, a trip to a guitar string factory on the final day) and time to explore on our own. This festival is a rare one in that it offers, also for adult amateurs such as myself, so much instruction and multiple performance opportunities, and all in a beautiful Italian setting. Isabella, Michael and Laura are wonderful instructors and performers who made sure we were taken care of, and I am happy I got to know them. I am recommending this festival to all the guitarists I know! (Adrienne Smith, 2017 edition participant performer)